


Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty ("fat modeling"), liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo is a surgical technique that improves the body's contour by removing excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane).

The liposuction cannula, typically connected to a powerful suction pump, is inserted into the fat layers of the targeted area through small incisions in the skin, and fat is removed by suction as the cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fat. During the healing process after liposuction, these tiny tunnels shrink and disappear, resulting in an improved body contour.

Before deciding about a liposuction procedure, it is important to remember that it’s not a substitute of weight loss programs, but is most useful to reshape areas of the body through the removal of fat deposits.

What are different techniques of Liposuction surgery & which one does Dr. Mrs. Nirved Jain uses?

There are various techniques available for performing a liposuction surgery. Below mentioned are the techniques of Liposuction:

  • Dry Liposuction
  • Wet Liposuction
  • Super-Wet Liposuction
  • Tumescent Liposuction
  • Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL)
  • Laser lipolisis
  • Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture (NIL) by Euromi

Dr. Mrs. Nirved Jain uses the Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture (NIL) technique which is a patented technique using compressed air in order to drive the tip of the cannula into a 3-dimensional precession movement, called the nutation.

This specific movement will be used to infiltrate as well as to aspirate the fat. As the infiltration is the key point in lipoaspiration, the best the fat is infiltrated, the best the fat is prepared for the aspiration without complications. The nutation creates an emulsion of the fat, which will break up the fatty cells while respecting the tissues (no wrenching).

After this step, the emulsified fat can be gently aspirated, while considerably reducing the bleeding, the risks of oedemas and bruises. The aspiration is very selective, much less traumatizing. The nutational movement will also stimulate the collagen synthesis, which will tighten the skin in post operatory.

Who can be considered as a good patient for liposuction & is it a substitute for weight loss programs?

The best candidates for liposuction are individuals that are of a relatively normal weight, but have pockets of fat on their body that can cause their body to appear disproportionate.

Liposuction should not be used as a substitute for weight loss. Rather, the best results are obtained when it is undertaken in conjunction with a commitment to a healthy diet and a regular routine of exercise.

What are the most commonly treated areas by liposuction surgery?

A liposuction surgery can be performed on all the areas of your body where there’s fat deposition. The most commonly treated areas in women are the outer thighs and stomach. The most commonly treated areas in men are the flanks, or "love handles." Other popular areas for liposuction treatment include the neck, face, hips, upper arms, upper and lower abdomen, lower back, sides of the knees, and lower legs.

Because of its versatility, liposuction is a very popular procedure and is often combined with other forms of plastic surgery for more dramatic results.

When is the results visible post-liposuction procedure & does the fat come back again?

You will most likely notice some improvement after your liposuction surgery, but it will take four to six weeks for most of the swelling to subside. Optimal liposuction results should be visible in three to six months.

Liposuction removes the fat cells from specific areas of the body. These fat cells will not return; however, if the patient does not follow a healthy diet and exercise routine, the remaining fat cells could expand and lead to weight gain across all areas of the body.

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